Paula Fernandes e Taylor Swift - Long Live
Dietas e Emagrecimento

Paula Fernandes e Taylor Swift - Long Live

Linda música da Paula fernandes e da Taylor Swift: Long Live!

paula fernandes


Veja o vídeo

Acompanhe com a letra da música

Lembrei desse sentimento

Gritando dentro de nós

Éramos todos meninos

E em cada um vivia uma paixão

Como na cena de um filme

Vencemos pesadelos

Enfrentando os dragões

Criados por nossos medos

Fruto da imaginação



De frente a uma nova era

Na onda de uma canção

Nós construímos história

Mente, alma e coração



Long live the walls

We crashed through

How the kingdom lights shined

Just for me and you

I was screaming long live

All the magic we made

And bring on all the pretenders

One day we will be remembered

I said remember this feeling

I passed the pictures around

Of all the years that we stood there

On the side-lines wishing for right now

We are the kings and the queens

You traded your baseball cap for a crown

When they gave us our trophies

And we held them up for our town

De frente a uma nova era

Na onda de uma canção

Nós construímos história

Mente, alma e coração

Long live the walls

We crashed through

How the kingdom lights shined

Just for me and you

I was screaming long live

All the magic we made

And bring on all the pretenders

One day we will be remembered


Long live the walls

We crashed through

How the kingdom lights shined

Just for me and you

I was screaming long live

All the magic we made

And bring on all the pretenders

I'm not afraid

Long live all the mountains we moved

I had the time of my life

Fighting dragons with you

I was screaming long live

The look on your face

And bring on all the pretenders

One day we will be remembered

Hold on

Just spinning around

Confetti falls to the ground

May these memories break our fall


Lembrei do momento

Que fiz promessa pra nós dois

Pintando o nosso destino

Puro e simples, pleno

E sem fim

Que fosse assim

Sem um goodbye

Fosse pra sempre um cheguei

O sonho que construímos

Me vi feliz, eu te achei

Será muito mais

Que achar

Será muito além

Que pensar


Long live the walls

We crashed through

I had the time of my life with you

Long, long live the walls

We crashed through

How the kingdom lights shined

Just for me and you

I was screaming long live

All the magic we made

And bring on all the pretenders

I'm not afraid


Long live all the mountains we moved

I had the time of my life

Fighting dragons with you

Long, long live

The look on your face

And bring on all the pretenders

One day we will be remembered


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